Walmart Product Interactions
Validated, consistent interaction paradigms for VR commerce
Role - VR Product Designer | UX
Created for Insperience, to provide the studio development teams with validated, consistent interaction paradigms, specific to VR commerce.
Because VR is emerging it lacks standards and recognizable components making learnability more challenging for users. When innovating in this space the only way to progress is to create and validate.
This was done through a hypothesis-driven development (HDD) and human-centered design (HCD) approach with rapid prototyping and evaluation. Collectively, we test our hypotheses, share the successes and improve from the findings.
The approach was to leverage the best of e-commerce while utilizing the unique spatial affordances of VR. Displaying the most important product information quickly, evaluating color and materials, and conveying product dimensions unique to VR, to support purchase decisions.
Below is a series of features that I helped to concept, prototype, and test.
UX Designer (2)
Chief Product Officer
Product Owner (1)
Software Engineer (2)
Capturing Data
Ease of use
System Usability Scale
Single Ease Question
After Scenario Questionnaire
User Confort
Simulator Sickness Questionnaire
Analyzed as a function of three sub-scales; nausea, oculomotor & disorientation. ​
Sense of Presense ​
Slater, Usoh & Steed Presence Questionnaire
Witmer & Singer Presence Questionnaire
VR Metrics
The challenge
VR has historically not been developed with the explicit goal of merchandising physical products. A metrics framework for this type of product innovation is completely lacking. Benchmark data is non-existent.
After reviewing various models and frameworks of technology adoption along with factors that might contribute to a successful VR product, 3 key metrics emerged.
Key Metrics
VR is unique. Hardware and simulated environments create issues exclusive to the medium. It was our hypothesis that if interaction paradigms and experiences were intuitive, comfortable, and immersive, they would be successful.
Ease of use
User Confort
Sense of Presense
Testing Overview
The goal of this testing plan is to evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness, and
satisfaction of our prototypes and interactions.
The test procedure is a balance of observational and task-oriented research.
The objectives are to:
• Identify usability problem areas
• Assess findability within the system
• Uncover opportunities to improve & iterate
• Minimum of 5 participants per prototype
• Participants must try all scenarios
• Tests sessions are conducted remotely using an Oculus S setup and controllers
Research Instruments
• Facilitator, observational notetaker
• Recorded video session
• Observational qualitative notes
• User scenarios and completion scoring
Success Metrics
Scenario Completion
• Each scenario is rated 0-2;
• 0 = failure, 1 = needed assistance, 2 = direct success
Critical Errors: Note if…
• User is not able to complete the task at all
• Deviations upon completion from the scenario's targets
• User may not know if they completed a task
• Unresolved errors during a task, incorrect outcome
• The time to complete each task, not including evaluation or on-boarding durations, will be recorded
After scenario questionnaire ASQ
• 3 question scale for assessing usability, both the total average and individual averages will be documented
Testing Population
• 6 Users over two days
• 5 male, 1 female
Product Features
User Story
As a user, I need a simple and fast way to evaluate different products in a showroom.
Design Goal
To give the user a way to instantly access information and interactions that let them evaluate a product.
A series of features that elevates customer trust and purchasing power by providing a closer virtual representation of the actual product.
3D Explore
Sort by price or by size
Compare Products
Success Metric
<35 Seconds
Scenario Completion Rate
Critical Errors
Scenario Completion Time
ASQ 1 - Ease
ASQ - Time
ASQ 3 - Support
Total ASQ
3D Explore
Scenario Completion Rate
Critical Errors
Scenario Completion Time
ASQ 1 - Ease
ASQ - Time
ASQ 3 - Support
Total ASQ
Scenario Completion Rate
Critical Errors
Scenario Completion Time
ASQ 1 - Ease
ASQ - Time
ASQ 3 - Support
Total ASQ
Sort By
Scenario Completion Rate
Critical Errors
Scenario Completion Time
ASQ 1 - Ease
ASQ - Time
ASQ 3 - Support
Total ASQ
Scenario Completion Rate
Critical Errors
Scenario Completion Time
ASQ 1 - Ease
ASQ - Time
ASQ 3 - Support
Total ASQ
3D Explore
Scenario Completion Rate
Critical Errors
Scenario Completion Time
ASQ 1 - Ease
ASQ - Time
ASQ 3 - Support
Total ASQ
Feature Implementation
Quick Menu Feature
User Story
we believe the user will need a centralized cart that allows them to manage selections from multiple experiences cleanly and easily. We also believe that the experience in the cart will help inform how to handle the rest of the flow (email communication and checkout page) for customers shopping products in multiple experiences.
Design Goal
To provide the user with a single menu that contains almost all the features in the experience.
A local navigation menu loads when a product is selected. The user is able to easily navigate all the product's features.
Design System
Feature Implementation
User Story
As a user, I need reminders and tooltips to help guide me through the experience.
Design Goal
To provide the user with an informative and nonintrusive tooltip.
A time prompt is deployed automatically at minute 12 of the experience. The total experience is 15 minutes. This gives the user enough time to checkout or save to their cart.
Tooltips load when the user enters a room for the first time that highlights surrounding features and teaches the user how to complete a task.
Prompt Features
Custom Room Tool Tips
Headset Onboarding Tool Tips
Time Prompt
Wishlist Feature
User Story
As a user, I need reminders a way to store and view my favorite items before purchase.
Design Goal
To create a seperate room that stores all of the products that the has added to their wishlist. Products will be stored on an interactive shelf that is dynamic and changes size depending how many items the user has added.
The user is able to view all their items before checkout. They can delete an item or see the item's details. This provides the user visibility before making their final purchases. The result is a virtual version of a web-based e-commerce checkout flow.
Item Hover State
In Context
Feature Implementation